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12 week Pregnancy scan

The first scan with the NHS and I was a bag of nerves. We had just got back from our holiday and we were just hoping for the best.

At this scan the baby wasn't in the right position so we had to go for a long walk and I had to eat something high in sugar to get baby moving. Little one wasn't playing ball so we had to keep waiting and moving, eventually they managed to do all the checks needed and let us know baby was all okay.

Naturally as a Mum you worry, and being pregnant, the worries are there every day so it is always a happy moment when you hear that baby is okay!

Thankfully our 12 week scan was fairly straightforward and we managed to head home and continue growing our little bundle of love.


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I'm Kelsey, a first time mini sausage dog Mum, home owner and human mum to be in 2024. Kelsey Jaye Home will be covering my journey through pregnancy, home life and sharing any tips I come across along the way. 

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