Finding out I'm pregnant
Tuesday 6th June 2023.
Taking this pregnancy test I had not really prepared myself for it to be positive. I was expecting a negative result just like the other tests I had previously taken.
Them two lines, the two lines I had been waiting for, actually appeared!
Then another 2 tests with pregnant and pregnant 2-3 weeks also came back.
Fear, excitement and complete shock took over my body! All of which I knew were completely normal. And just a week later while writing this post, it still hasn't sunk in...
I don't know when it will start to feel real, most probably when these posts go live and we officially announce after our 12 week scan!
We have booked an early private scan for 7 weeks which I have no ideas what to expect, just hoping for a heart beat and healthy baby.
I will be documenting this journey over the week of my pregnancy because I have absolutely no idea what I am doing!